All Things Horror began as a tribute site to all movies in 1994. It's creation came about as an assignment for a young highschool freshman named Steve Adelmund. Steve took the assignment lightly trying only to make a passing grade. The site's title back then was "Mischeiff_Maker's Movie Tribute Page" and consisted of afew poor reviews, some pics, a Crow/Brandon Lee Tribute, and a short (10 question) Horror movie Trivia page. Steve was given a 'C', partially for misspelling mischief. After becoming a sophmore in highschool, Steve's focus changed and he no longer cared about the Movie web page that he had created, fumbling with it in his spare time only when he was really board. The site slowly fell apart, long forgotten in the cobwebs of cyberspace...
...Fast Forward to 2002. One day Steve checked his e-mail and a friend asked the simple question: "Dude, what ever happened to your site?". So Steve checked out his old run down site to find it nothing more than rundown mess of broken links, missing pics, and crap reviews. Next, his boss asked him to make a page for the business he manages called The CA$H BOX. Apon its completion, Steve found himself disterbed by the CRAP that his movie site had become. Time for a make-over...
And All Things Horror was born. All Things Horror has become one of the most well respected sites on the web. It is made completly out of HTML and now features a pics archive that is 200+ pics strong, an 83 question trivia (complete with award), excelent reviews, and has even scored an interview with Horror Godfather Robert Englund! The site has won numerous awards, made a trippy intro and was even reviewed by the well respected Paranormal Reviews in 2003. The Brandon Lee tribute can still be seen at the top of the now famous Horror Movie Trivia page, and Steven J. Adelmund is still the webmaster, now updating almost daily. Some things never change. So enjoy your stay in one of the most unique sites you'll ever visit. We hope you enjoy your visit as much as we have enjoyed bringing it to you. All Things Horror has grown so much that it has been broken into two domains! ATH now spans it's rein of terror over the original "" and the new "" domain, home to the intro this history page, the Real Killers, the Asylum and much more! Enjoy your stay!
Horror Links 2: Banners and Webrings