Dahmer is the exact picture of a psychopathic mad man. When police went to investigate a black homosexual man who was on the street screaming for help handcuffed, what they found shocked the nation. A refrigerator with a severed head. A freezer with two more. A closet with severd testicles, hands, skulls, and poloroid pictures of victims in their various stages of death. Other photos of severed limbs and bodies. All belonging to a tidy blond man with a clean appartment, and good manners. Dohmers killing spree lasted and went undetected for 13 years.
Confessions and the history of a killer
Detective Patrick Kennedy was one of afew people that Dahmer confieded in. Dohmer told Kennedy of his yernings to kill and have sex with corpses all through out school, that were never acted on. Dahmers first kill was shortly after highschool graduation, when he met and had sex with a hitchhiker by the name of Steven Hicks. Hicks and Dohmer had afew beers and sexual experiences and then Hicks decided he wanted to leave. Dahmer couldn't stand the thought of Hicks leaving, so he killed him. Dahmer knew he had to dispose of the body so he cut it into pieces which he placed into garbage bags and brought deep into some near by woods for disposal. Dahmer attended college for a short time, but flunked out in 1978. He then joined the Army and was posted in Germany, where, ironically, he didn't kill anyone. After afew un eventful years with the Army he was discharged for alcoholism. He then returned to his home state of Ohio, where he dug up the body of Hicks, smashed it with a sledge hammer, then hid it again, burring it in the woods.
In 1981, Dahmer was arrested for drunken and disorderly conduct, and after his release, was sent to live with his grandmother in Wisconsin. He stayed on the down low for acouple of years untill he got into alittle trouble for exposing himself in public after having too much to drink. Afew years later, in 1986, Dohmer was arrested and put on probation for masterbating infront of two boys. Steven Toumi was Dohmers second kill. In 1987, Dohmer picked up Toumi in a gay bar, took him to a hotel room and, although he did not recall how he killed him, he did recall waking up, seeing Toumi dead, buying a suitcase, stuffing Toumi in it, taking the corpse into his grandmothers basement, masterbating on it, having sex with it, dismembering it, and throwing it into the garbage. By this time Dohmer knew how to kill, and had a method to his madness. His technique was simple. Meet his target at or around a gay bar, lure them with promises of beer and drugs, or offering them money to pose nude for pictures, then drug them, usually strangle them, then have sex with or masterbate on their corpses. He would then neatly dismember and dispose of the body, some times keeping a body part or skull as a souvenir. He did this to his third and fourth victims, 14 year old Jamie Doxtator several months later, and Richard Guerrero, in 1988. Dahmer's grandmother did not know of what went on in her basement but did know that Dahmer and his drunken friends were getting loud and out of hand so he asked him to move. The day after Dahmer moved into his new house in Milwaukee, he offered a boy $50.00 to pose nude for him. The boy agreed and was drugged, fondled, but not violently hurt. Dahmer did not have sex with the boy. The boy's parents realized he had been drugged, and Dohmer was arrested for sexual exploitation of a child and second-degree sexual assault. Dahmer plead guilty, but claimed that the boy said he was older than he was. Dahmer then moved back in with his grandmother. As he awaited sentencing, Dahmer met a gay man by the name of Anthony Sears, who he lured to his grandmother's basement where he drugged and strangled him. Dahmer then had sex with the corpse and dismembered it. Next he boiled the head to remove the skin, painting it grey so that if it was ever discovered, it would appear to be one of the dummy heads used for medical studies. Dohmer kept the head among other victims parts, untill their discovery in 1991. Anne Schwartz, an author who wrote about Dohmer once said that he masterbated infront of his skulls for gratification.
A Psychological Study of Dahmer
Dr. James Fox, an expert on serial killers, once said: "There was nothing we could do to predict this [tragedy] ahead of time, no matter how bizarre the behavior. He also noted that while Jeffrey was devastated when his mother left him, it would be wrong to blame his parents for what he had become... Ever since Sigmund Freud, we blame everything bad that kids do on their parents... The culprit is Dahmer. Not his father, not his family, not the police...He fits the stereotype of someone who really is out of control and being controlled by his fantasies. The difference is that most serial killers stop once the victim dies. Everything is leading up to that. They tie them up; they like to her them scream and beg for their lives. It makes the killer feel great, superior, powerful, dominant... In Dahmer's case, everything is post-mortem... all of his 'fun' began after the victims died... He led a rich fantasy life that focused on having complete control over people... That fantasy life, mixed with hatred, perhaps hatred of himself which is being projected into his victims. If he at all felt uncomfortable about his own sexual orientation, it is very easy to see it projected into these victims and punishing them indirectly to punish himself." Dahmer couldn't stand to lose contro lor be rejected.
Assistant D.A. Gale Shelton once said: "His perception that what he did wrong here was choosing too young a victim, -- and that that's all he did wrong, -- is a part of the problem... He appeared to be cooperative and receptive, but anything that goes below the surface indicates that the deep-seated anger and deep-seated psychological problems that he is unwilling or incapable of dealing with." Three seperate psychologists once stated that dohmer was "manipulative, resistant and evasive." They all recommended hospitalization and treatment. Dahmer blamed all of his problems on alcoholism, stating in his deffence: "What I have done is very serious. I've never been in this position before. Nothing this awful. This is a nightmare come true for me. If anything would shock me out of my past behavior patterns, it's this.
The one thing I have in my mind that is stable and that gives me some source of pride is my job. I've come very close to losing it because of my actions, which I take full responsibility for... All I can do is beg you, please spare my job. Please give me a chance to show that I can, that I can tread the straight and narrow and not get involved in any situation like this ever again... This enticing a child was the climax of my idiocy... I do want help. I do want to turn my life around."
Only the truly mad can make us believe that they are sane. The Judge bought it hook, line, and sinker. Dahmer was sentanced to five years of probation, and made to live in jail at night, but was out on work release by day. Dahmer's father sent a letter to the judge pleading for him to keep Dahmer untill he recieved full treatment. The judge released Dahmer after only 10 months. In March of 1990, Dahmer went to live with his grandmother yet again but moved out in May of the same year. He moved into 924 North 25th Street, Apartment 213, and went on a modest killing spree shortly there after. Durring the year, Dohmer killed 12 men, of different races, but most were homosexual if not bi. Edward Smith was murdered in June of 1990. Next was Ricky Lee Beeks who died in July of 1990, followed by Ernest Miller who was killed in September of 1990. Also in September was the death of David Thomas. Between the months of Feb. of 1991 and July of 1991 he went on to murder Curtis Straughter, Errol Lindsey, Anthony Hughes, Konerak Sinthasomphone, Matt Turner, Jeremiah Weinberger, Oliver Lacey, and Joseph Bradehoft. He murdered the men in the same way as if it were routine. Lure, Strangle, Sex with corpse, but before disposing of the dismembered body, he would take poloroid pictures of the entire experience, for future viewing pleasure. He was amazed by the color of the viscera and incredibly sexually aroused by the heat that the freshly-murdered corpse would give off. Dahmer enjoyed mixing chemicals and acids to see how it would turn bone and meat into sludge that could be flushed down the toilet or washed away in the sink. He usually kept the genitals and heads as trophies, boiling the heads and painting them grey, and puting the genitals in a salution that would keep them fresh such as formaldehyde.
Dr. James Fox, an expert on serial killers, once said: "There was nothing we could do to predict this [tragedy] ahead of time, no matter how bizarre the behavior. He also noted that while Jeffrey was devastated when his mother left him, it would be wrong to blame his parents for what he had become... Ever since Sigmund Freud, we blame everything bad that kids do on their parents... The culprit is Dahmer. Not his father, not his family, not the police...He fits the stereotype of someone who really is out of control and being controlled by his fantasies. The difference is that most serial killers stop once the victim dies. Everything is leading up to that. They tie them up; they like to her them scream and beg for their lives. It makes the killer feel great, superior, powerful, dominant... In Dahmer's case, everything is post-mortem... all of his 'fun' began after the victims died... He led a rich fantasy life that focused on having complete control over people... That fantasy life, mixed with hatred, perhaps hatred of himself which is being projected into his victims. If he at all felt uncomfortable about his own sexual orientation, it is very easy to see it projected into these victims and punishing them indirectly to punish himself." Dahmer couldn't stand to lose contro lor be rejected.
Dohmer's Strange Taste Buds
Most necrophiliacs are also cannibles. Dahmer claimed to have eaten parts of his victims flesh and meat because he believed that they would live again through him. He claimed to have made a shrine of his victims' skulls, and burn insence in them so that he would gain special powers to help him financially and socially. Police later found strips of frozen flesh in his freezer. Dahmer once said that eating the flesh aroused him and made him feel powerful. To quote Dahmer: "I have to question whether or not there is an evil force in the world and whether or not I have been influenced by it. Although I am not sure if there is a God, or if there is a devil, I know that as of lately I've been doing a lot of thinking about both." Dahmer believed that just being sourounded by the bodies of his victims made him feel evil.
Dahmer's Chidlhood
The Following is from the CRIME LIBRARY and tells alittle about Jeffery Dahmer's childhood: "Jeff Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960, to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. He was a child who was wanted and adored, in spite of the difficulties of Joyce's pregnancy. He was a normal, healthy child whose birth was the occasion of great joy. As a tot, he was a happy bubbly youngster who loved stuffed bunnies, wooden blocks, etc. He also had a dog named Frisky, his much loved childhood pet.
Despite a greater number than usual of ear and throat infections, Jeff developed into a happy little boy. His father recalled the day that they released back into the wild a bird that the three of them had nursed back to health from an injury: "I cradled the bird in my cupped hand, lifted it into the air, then opened my hand and let it go. All of us felt a wonderful delight. Jeff's eyes were wide and gleaming. It may have been the single, happiest moment of his life." The family had moved to Iowa where Lionel was working on his Ph.D. at Iowa State University.
When Jeff was four, his father swept out from under their house the remains of some small animals that had been killed by civets. As his father gathered the tiny animal bones, Jeff seemed "oddly thrilled by the sound they made. His small hands dug deep into the pile of bones. I can no longer view it simply as a childish episode, a passing fascination. This same sense of something dark and shadowy, of a malicious force growing in my son, now colors almost every memory."
At the age of six, he was found to be suffering from a double hernia and needed surgery to correct the problem. He never seemed to recover his ebullience and buoyancy. "He seemed smaller, somehow more vulnerable... he grew more inward, sitting quietly for long periods, hardly stirring, his face oddly motionless."
In 1966, Lionel had completed his graduate work in Iowa and got a job as a research chemist in Akron, Ohio. Joyce was pregnant with their second son David By that time Jeff was in the first grade and "a strange fear had begun to creep into his personality, a dread of others that was combined with a general lack of self-confidence. He was developing a reluctance to change, a need to feel the assurance of familiar places. The prospect of going to school frightened him. The little boy who'd once seemed so happy and self-assured had been replaced by a different person, now deeply shy, distant, nearly uncommunicative."
Lionel suspected that the move from Iowa to Ohio was the causative factor and Jeff's behavior was a normal reaction to being uprooted from familiar settings and placed into entirely new ones. Lionel, too, had suffered from shyness, introversion and insecurity as a child and had learned to overcome these problems. He figured his son would learn to overcome them too. What he didn't realize was that Jeff's boyhood condition was far graver than his and that "Jeff had begun to suffer from a near isolation."
In April of 1967, they bought a new house. Jeff seemed to adjust better to this move and developed a close friendship with a boy named Lee. He was also very fond of one of his teachers and took her a bowl of tadpoles he had caught. Later, Jeff found out that the teacher had given the tadpole to his friend Lee. Jeff sneaked into Lee's garage and killed all the tadpoles will motor oil.
Things did not get better with time. "His posture, and the general way in which he carried himself, changed radically between his tenth and fifteenth years. The loose-limbed boy disappeared, and was replaced by a strangely rigid and inflexible figure.
He looked tense, his body very straight. He grew increasingly shy during this time and when approached by other people, he would become very tense. More and more, he remained at home, alone in his room or staring at television. His face was often blank, and he gave the more or less permanent impression of someone who could do nothing but mope around, purposeless and disengaged.
He had one friend, who drifted apart from him at age fifteen. Lionel found out at Jeff's trial that during this period, Jeff would ride around with plastic garbage bags and collect the remains of animals for his own private cemetery. "He would strip the flesh from the bodies of these putrescent road kills and even mount a dog's head on a stake." There has been the suggestion that Jeff tortured animals, but that is unlikely. He enjoyed a dog and cat as pets in his childhood and kept pet fish as an adult. His fascination was with dead creatures.
Jeff grew more passive and isolated. " His conversation narrowing to the practice of answering questions with barely audible one-word responses. He was drifting into a nightmare world of unimaginable fantasies. In coming years those fantasies would begin to overwhelm him. The dead in their stillness would become the primary objects of his growing sexual desire. His inability to speak about such strange and unsetting notions would sever his connections to the world outside himself."
While other boys pursued careers, education, the creation of homes and families, Jeff was completely unmotivated. "He must have come to view himself as utterly outside the human community, outside all that was normal and acceptable, outside all that could be admitted to another human being." One would expect that a person harboring the fantasies of death and dismemberment that swirled around in Jeffrey Dahmer's head as a teenager would show some outer signs of mental illness. But Jeff just became more isolated and uncommunicative. Far from rebelling, he never argued with his parents because nothing seemed to matter to him.
In high school, Jeff had average grades and participated in a few activities: he played tennis and worked on the school newspaper. However, his classmates considered him a loner and an alcoholic, who brought liquor into the classroom. He actually had a prom date, who he later invited to his parents' house for a seance.
His classmates remember a stunt he pulled when he got himself included in the yearbook photo of the members of the National Honor Society. The yearbook staff caught the prank in time and blacked out Jeff's picture.
As Jeff became more passive, the passions between Lionel and Joyce increased. It culminated in divorce when Jeff was almost eighteen. A custody battle began over David. Some months later, Lionel remarried. Whatever Lionel missed about Jeff's alcoholism, his new wife Shari did not.
Lionel and Shari convinced him to try the idea of college. In the fall of 1978, they drove him to Ohio State University, but he stayed drunk the whole semester and flunked out. By this time, his drinking problem was well understood, but he would not seek help for it. Lionel read him the rules: either Jeff had to get a job or join the Army. When Jeff refused to get a job and stayed drunk most of the time, his father drove him down to the recruiting office to join the armed forces in January of 1979.
From that time until Jeff's final arrest in 1991, life was a rollercoaster for Lionel and his wife. Jeff would appear to be doing well and then it was clear that he wasn't. He seemed to enjoy the Army, but then he was discharged early for habitual drunkenness. He then moved in with his grandmother and got a job, but then he was arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. The offenses got worse as his alcoholism and emotional problems intensified. Indecent exposure, then child molesting and finally, the most horrible discovery of all when the police arrested him for multiple murders. Each time, Lionel stood by him, paid for the lawyer, urged him to seek treatment and crossed his fingers that Jeff would improve. Each time, his hopes were dashed by some fresh and more serious difficulty. Lionel began to understand that his son was completely beyond his reach.
As early as 1989 when Jeff was facing sentencing for child molestation, Lionel felt that the his "son would never be more than he seemed to be -- a liar, an alcoholic, a thief, an exhibitionist, a molester of children. I could not imagine how he had become such a ruined soul... For the first time, I no longer believed that my efforts and resources alone would be enough to save my son. There was something missing in Jeff.... We call it a "conscience"... that had either died or had never been alive in the first place.""
Trial and Confessions
Jeffery Dahmer's confession was a 160 page novel of twisted sex, cannibalism, murder and spite. In it he said: "It's hard for me to believe that a human being could have done what I've done, but I know that I did it." Before being sentanced to fifteen consecutive life terms or a total of 957 years in prison, Dahmer read a four typewritten page letter to the judge that said:
"'Your Honor:
'It is now over. this has never been a case of trying to get free. I didn't ever want freedom. Frankly, I wanted death for myself. This was a case to tell the world that I did what I did, but not for reasons of hate. I hated no one. I knew I was sick or evil or both. Now I believe I was sick. The doctors have told me about my sickness, and now I have some peace.. I know how much harm I have caused... Thank God there will be no more harm that I can do. I believe that only the Lord Jesus Christ can save me from my sins... I ask for no consideration."
While in prison, he was attacked on July 3, 1994, by a cuban man that he had never met. Dohmer was not a part of the general population, because this would endanger his life. After some time, he was allowed to eat with the other inmates, and even began working with some of them. Jeffrey Dahmer was pronounced dead at 9:11 A.M. on November 28, 1994. His murder was a result of being paired to work with a black inmate by the name of Christopher Scarver, who was a schizophrenic who believed that he was the son of God, and a white man by the name of Jesse Anderson who killed his wife and blamed it on a black man. The three men were left alone for twenty minutes. Dahmer's head was crushed and Anderson was fatally injured.
In Conclusion:
Jeffery Dahmer is a name that makes people think of canniblism, and with good reason. Everyone knows the stories of Jeffery Dahmer, and now you know the truth. The facts gathered for this file were found at www.crimelibrary.com Please visit there for a full and more detailed report.
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